Thursday 9 March 2017

Why Your Children Are Not Listening To You?? Did You Know??

Understanding the facts rather than judging the mistakes are much more important when it comes to parenting. Misunderstandings are not only happen between a couple but it may happen with you and your one year old kid. The way children seeing the world is far differ from the adults perspective yet this doesn't mean that the children are always wrong and the parents are always right. We are having the responsibility to co-operate with them as our ancestors did to us. 

Image result for naughty kids

Obviously all of us know about this topic a bit, because as a child we often did this to our parents. Actually every parent has to believe that this problem is not a problem at all. But still it is important to be aware of the answers for this question Why Our Children Are Not Listening To Us? Many children and parents are facing this issue in the current world more than the period before a decade. This post will help you all to know about the base cause for this attitude in children, when we understand the reasons behind the problems, it will be easy for us to handle it. 

Happy Kids!

I wish to ask this question to you all, do you want a happy kid or a perfect kid? Most probably the answer will be the first option, we all want our children to be happy as they are all. Happiness, joy, aggression, jealousy, ego, domination and possessiveness are major emotions of children in their childhood stage. The parents must understand that the kids have the rights to get angry, even how little they may be they are also human beings so they must be controlled by emotions.

The Value of Suggestions

When you want your child to do something give them more number of options so that they can know the alternatives, this will be very helpful for decision making when they grow up. Most of the parents just command or declare their wish, for example 'We are going to the playground today", may the child doesn't feel like going to the ground they might interested in colouring or watching cartoons. So whenever you take decisions even it is small include them hence they will feel that they are being valued.

Know the Mood of the Kid

Unpleasant things happen to children in so many ways, even a small thing like loosing their favorite pencil will spoil the temper of the child. So when children are keep on playing in the mobile or tablet, try to divert their interest in something. Cook their favorite food and make them participate in the preparation of the dinner and reward or appreciate them for the contribution they made. 

Enjoy the Home works!!

If the child is not interested in doing the home work just close the book, Yes! truly saying do not force them. Be an example, you engage yourself with some routine works, during that time ask them to do their work this will surely help for children who don't like to do home works. Poke the curiosity of learning by saying and showing interesting things, children are very much interested in knowing the facts about themselves like about their body, home towns and their belongings, they are very self concerned. So practice the habit of doing home works with the bit of facts. For example, talk about the sun and earth or talk about animals. Take them to planetariums and zoos often, don't just concentrate on the syllabus alone.

If you have tried these all, not over protecting, not commanding, knowing their interest, knowing their mood and tried the alternatives to make them understand what you say and what you want them to do and still if they didn't listen to you then you have to consult a counselor to get a personalized advice. Happy Parenting!!

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