Sunday 24 December 2017

10 Tips To Make Your Child a Genius

First I wish to explain this term 'Genius', yes! ofcourse one has to know what it is inorder to achieve or implement it. So here goes the definition,  A Genius has An exceptional intellectual or creative power, I am still in need of explaining it in detail, about both of the terms 'Intellectual' and 'Creative', Intelligence is something an ability to apply knowledge and creativity is generating new ideas. Hence the parents have to be clear in these two ideas, one is your child's ability to apply his/her knowledge and the skill of producing new ideas. 

So let us go to the topic "10 Tips To Make Your Child a Genius "

The first 5 will concentrate on Intelligence

1. Try to explain things by being an example: This is one of the best thing to do with children. For example: Keep things in appropriate places by yourself and the children will grow these habits by themselves.

2. Introduce New things: By showing new objects everyday children will learn things unintentionally. This is not that meant you have to buy new toys everyday but show things you get by nature like show different kinds of pulses and grains in home

3. Allow to Explore: Give the necessary space  to the kids, allow them to touch the knife and match box while you are near to them and say how to use it and stamp that it is not good to use it while they are alone and keep those things away when you aren't accompany the kid.

4. Teach them the Good and Bad: It is very important for a child to know what is right and what is wrong. When you insist things while they did  something wrong, explain them why it is wrong and what are the consequence they face after doing it say it with firm not with hateness.

5. Keep their brain active: This is the ultimate thing of all, the brain develops 95 % from 0 to 5 years so it is most important to keep their brain active with tiny information which allow them to think logical

The next concern about the creativity skill development

6. Sing and Dance: It is not funny to dance and sing along with them, it is necessary. Like a quote says " A Child who Sings is a Happy Child". 

7. Read Books to them: When you do this half of your worry about your parenting is resolved. Reading to them before they even speak will allow the child to create a bond with books, once it is happened you will see wonders.

8. Paint Wall: There is no need to restrict kids not to scribble in the wall. It is just a cost of paint. Avoid buying junk foods, save money and paint the wall once in a year. 

9. Being Wrong is OK: Teach this basic skill to your kid, the idea of being right is the core important factor but also it is OK to be wrong at times and learning from those mistakes are much needed for life.

10. Listen to them: Yes, the last one is for you. Listen to your children even when you are busy and they are silly. Allot a period of time everyday to talk with your child. Ofcourse! you had time to read this article but not having time to converse with your kid is unfair.

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